Various plans and draughts of cities, towns, harbours &c. drawn from the latest authorities
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Item Information
- Title:
- Various plans and draughts of cities, towns, harbours &c. drawn from the latest authorities
- Description:
Subject: Five maps showing different harbor cities in the United States and Cuba.
- Date:
- Format:
- Location:
- American Antiquarian Society
- Collection (local):
American Antiquarian Society Collection
- Subjects:
Boston (Mass.)--Maps
New York (N.Y.)--Maps
Delaware River (N.Y.-Del. and N.J.)--Maps
Charleston (S.C.)--Maps
Havana (Cuba)--Maps
- Places:
CubaHavana (province)Havana
Delaware River
New YorkNew York
MassachusettsSuffolk (county)Boston
South CarolinaCharleston (county)Charleston
- Extent:
- 5 maps on 1 sheet : engraving ; maps 15 x 10 cm. or smaller, on sheet 38 x 25 cm.
- Terms of Use:
Public Domain/No known restrictions on use. Contact host institution to download image.
Contact host institution for more information.
- Publisher:
London :
- Scale:
Scales vary
- Language:
- Catalog Record:
- Notes:
Relief shown pictorially.
From Millar, G. The new and universal system of geography, London, 1782.
At top: Engraved for Millar's new complete & universal system of geography.
"Plan of the harbour of New-York and parts adjacent -- The town & harbour of Boston &c. -- Draught of the River Delaware from Chester to Philadelphia -- Plan of the harbour of Charles Town, South Carolina -- Plan of the city & harbour of Havanna, capital of Cuba."
- Notes (date):
This date is inferred.