A new and general map of the middle dominions belonging to the United States of America, viz. Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware-counties, Pennsylvania, New Jersey &c. : with the addition of New York, & of the greatest part of New England &c. as also of the bordering parts of the British possessions in Canada
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Item Information
- Title:
- A new and general map of the middle dominions belonging to the United States of America, viz. Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware-counties, Pennsylvania, New Jersey &c. : with the addition of New York, & of the greatest part of New England &c. as also of the bordering parts of the British possessions in Canada
- Contributor:
- Evans, Lewis, 1700?-1756
- Publisher:
- Laurie & Whittle
- Date:
May 12, 1794
- Format:
- Location:
- MacLean Collection Map Library
- Collection (local):
MacLean Collection Map Library
- Subjects:
Northeastern States--Maps
- Places:
Northeastern United States (area)
- Extent:
- 1 map ; 458 x 642 mm
- Terms of Use:
Public Domain/No known restrictions on use. Contact host institution to download image.
Contact host institution for more information.
- Publisher:
London :
Published by Laurie & Whittle, n.o 53, Fleet Street
- Language:
- Identifier:
- Call #: