The St. Lawrence River from the Rapids of Richelieu to Cape Torment

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Item Information

The St. Lawrence River from the Rapids of Richelieu to Cape Torment
Title (alt.):
No. 1 Plan of Québec with the positions of the British and French army's on the Heights of Abraham 13th of Sept. 1759
2 Plan of the battle and situation of the British and French armys on the Heights of Abraham the 28th of April 1760
3 Plan of Québec and the Heights of Abraham, shewing in particular the French encampment after the battle of the 28th April ...
Fort Jacques Cartier
Continuation of ye Grand Riviere with the village of Fariole lying near Cape Torment
Continuation of ye South River as far as Point à la Caille where it falls into the St. Lawrence joining A ... B
[ca. 1761]
Manuscript maps
William L. Clements Library
Collection (local):
William L. Clements Library Collection
Québec Campaign, Québec, 1759--Maps
Plains of Abraham, Battle of the, Québec, 1759--Maps
Sainte-Foy, Battle of, Québec, Québec, 1760--Maps
Saint Lawrence River--Maps
Québec (Québec)--Maps
Fort Jacques-Cartier (Québec)--Maps
United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763--Maps
Québec (Québec)--Siege, 1760--Maps
Saint Lawrence River
CanadaQuebec (province)Québec
1 ms. map : col. ; 49.7 x 73.5 cm.
Terms of Use:
The University of Michigan Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes. These materials may be under copyright. If you decide to use any of these materials, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission. If you have questions about the collection, please contact the William L. Clements Library.
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Scale 1:150,000. Scales of insets vary.
Catalog Record:
Catalog record
Finished, colored, topographical key map showing the overall area in the St. Lawrence River depicted in 17 individually cataloged maps. The key map includes the bodies of water, islands, villages, and fortifications between Cape Tourment and Dechambaux. The map also shows the exact extent of each map and gives the series number of each.
The key map and 17 component maps (sheets 52-68) correspond to title page sheet 50. The three insets (sheets 52-54) also correspond to a sheet with an "Explanation of references" (sheet 51).
Included maps: Explanation of the references. (sheet 51) -- Plan of Québec with the positions of the British and French army's on the Heights of Abraham 13th of Sept. 1759 : Repetition plan no. 1. (sheet 52) -- Plan of the battle and situation of the British and French armys on the Heights of Abraham the 28th: of April 1760 : [Repetition plan no. 2.]. (sheet 53) -- Plan of Québec and the Heights of Abraham, shewing in particular the French encampment after the battle of the 28th: April, their batteries, & approaches; also the encampment of the garrison at their alarm posts and new works erected by them during the siege : Repetition plan no. 3. (sheet 54) -- Parish of Old Lorette. (sheet 55) -- Parish of Charlebourgh. (sheet 56) -- Parish of Beauport. Parish of L'Ange Gardien. Parish of Chateau Richer. (sheet 57) -- Parish of St. Joachim. Parish of St. Famille. Parish of St. Anne. Parish of St. François. (sheet 58) -- Continuation of the Grande Riviere with the village of Fariole lying near Cape Torment on the north shore. (sheet 59) -- Parish of Dechambeaux. Parish of Cape Sante. Parish of Lotbinière. Parish of St. Croix. (sheet 60) -- Parish of the Ecureuils. Parish of Point aux Trembles. Parish of St. Antoine. Parish of St. Croix. (sheet 61) -- Parish of St. Nicholas. The Parish of St. Augustin. (sheet 62) -- Parish of St. Foix. (sheet 63) -- Parish of St. Lawrence. Parish of Beaumont. Parish of St. Peter. (sheet 64) -- Parish of St. Michelle. Parish of St. John Baptist. Parish of St. Vertier. (sheet 65) -- Parish of Berthier. Parish of St. François. Parish of St. Thomas. (sheet 66) -- Point Levi [including the parishes of St. Joseph and St. Henry]. Parish of St. Charles. (sheet 67) -- [Parish of St. Charles]. (sheet 68).
Map is sheet 49 of the Murray Atlas of Canada.
Title block of this map is unfinished, and titles of insets 1-3 taken from the finished maps that follow.